Journey to New York: Part 2

6am Monday, July 10th.

Hungover and exhausted from the Journey concert the night before, we packed the car to drive to Dallas to catch our flight to New York City. We couldn’t have been more excited.

So, blah blah blah, we were tired and driving and slightly hungover.

We were laughing and enjoying our drive fabulously!

Then, halfway through the drive to Dallas, my car started doing this scary thing where it sounded like a jet engine about to take off. My car was losing power for a moment each time the loud, jet engine noise happened and we had no idea if we would make it to the airport. At all.

So, ya know, stress. Woo hoo.

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Kimberly AkerComment
Journey to New York: Part 1

May/June 2016, around our 4 year anniversary, we are heading to my sister-in-laws wedding. Which is fabulous and exciting. I don’t mind that we aren’t doing anything ‘fab’ for our anniversary. That kind of stuff isn’t super important to me.
However, I’m already thinking of our 5 year anniversary.
Because we never do much for our anniversaries, I want our 5 year, a milestone anniversary, to be special. I’m not sure of what that means yet. But I want it to be ‘fab’.

Fast forward to February of 2017, I’ve decided I might want a nude sketch of myself as a gift, or to travel, or to get filigree added on to my engagement ring to make it more vintage looking.
Clearly I’m still unsure what I want, and the engagement ring or nude sketch idea mean I have to find something to get Trey, and all he ever wants is stuff for his gaming pc...not exactly sweet or sentimental.

Then a senior I was mentoring told me about some music festivals she’d been to. We got to talking about music and it hit me! Like, hello, Trey and I love music, so let’s go to a music festival! I searched for ones that met our timeline, and Bonnaroo was it!

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Kimberly AkerComment
Five Years Deep

I am the luckiest woman in the world. Everyone says that when they have a great husband, but I don’t care. I will say it with conviction anyway.
June 2nd at 2:30ish pm I had been married to my husband for five(5) whole years. My God that is crazy to my brain. And then I think about the fact that we have been inseparable since we started dating in September/October (yeah, we don’t know exact dates. Whatever, man.) of 2009. Like, WHAT!?

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Kimberly AkerComment
Mother's Day, Graduation, and Feasting, Oh My!

It was May 14th, Mother's Day, warm and muggy as always (hello Shreveport in May). We'd spent the morning making Jodie Gail (she'll kill me for using her full name), my Mom, breakfast in her kitchen. All three of her children, her two grand babies (Cavan and Charleigh), my husband (Trey), and my little sister's fiance (Stephen). We were all sprawled out.  My little sister, Michelle, appears to be useful but really she's standing around Stephen-chatting with my Mom by the bar at the end of the kitchen; my Momma is next to the bar by the “office area,” where our landline phone and such things once were, trying to talk to us all simultaneously and grinning ear to ear like a giddy child.

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Kimberly AkerComment