Journey to New York: Part 2
Since this is a storied series, I want to link the first installment here: Journey to New York - Part 1.
And the next installments, Taking on New York - Part 3, Taking on New York - Part 4, and Taking on New York - Part 5.
6am Monday, July 10th.
Hungover and exhausted from the Journey concert the night before, we packed the car to drive to Dallas to catch our flight to New York City. We couldn’t have been more excited.
So, blah blah blah, we were tired and driving and slightly hungover.
We were laughing and enjoying our drive fabulously!
Then, halfway through the drive to Dallas, my car started doing this scary thing where it sounded like a jet engine about to take off. My car was losing power for a moment each time the loud, jet engine noise happened and we had no idea if we would make it to the airport. At all.
So, ya know, stress. Woo hoo.
We pulled over to kinda attempt to assess the problem, very fast, because we were cutting it close with our flight.
Trey discovered it was the fan, which made us worry it was overheating. All we could do was add coolant and pray.
So we did.
We started worshipping and praying because we honestly couldn’t do anything else and that gave us peace and joy. And we kept driving to Dallas.
We were late arriving to the airport-thanks car.
We got our bags checked with like 3 minutes to spare. We got to security and my bag has liquids in it, the toiletries, that have to be checked. So, we had minutes to get to our flight and my bag was just sitting there, third in line to be checked, and the woman whose bag was currently being checked was making a fuss and being slow and difficult.
FINALLY, someone realized the backup and I got my bag checked.
We were those people running to our gate. Like, for our life. Yeah.
We got there, barely in time and we were last in line to board the plane. Seriously.
Terrible cell phone photo. BUT, WELCOME TO NEW YORK BABY!!!!
We arrived in New York, at Laguardia airport, at like 5:30 pm.
We were exhausted. We’d only had breakfast, almonds, and like half a cup of water. We were dead. So.dead.
And carrying around luggage for a couple hours with next to nothing in your system is exhausting ok?
We arrived in the Bronx via bus. Our host had given us a number of a subway to get on, but we had very little idea of how this worked. So we were walking around the Bronx, looking for a station.
We found one.
While in the station, some guy was tackled by two cops 15 feet away. That was freaking cool.
We got on what we thought was our subway. It wasn’t. It’s not a subway at all, but an actual train heading outside the city.
Oh! Super cool!
The guy checking tickets kindly gave us a free ride ticket back to the correct place with directions to get to where we need to be.
We arrive at our airbnb and it’s, just, no.
The dog is precious, the guy is not. But that dog. I wanted to take him home with me and love him forevvveerrrrrr!
The guy seems slightly sketch, the apartment is gross and appears filthy, but not in a way that I can like see dirt or anything actually gross. It just seemed dingy and unkempt, so Trey was convinced it was clean and just doesn’t look nice.
Then he explained there is no ac. (Apparently this is listed as an ‘amenity’ so he didn’t need to explicitly say that. Just not check it as an amenity. As if AC is some luxury in 86 degree weather with 80% humidity???)
Oh, cool.
Whatever, we were just sleeping there right?
We go eat, oh my gosh, the best!
It was a precious mexican themed restaurant in Brooklyn called Chavela’s. So good, so fabulous. The people were freaking fantastic. (Take me bbbbaaaaaacccckkkk!)
The flight of tequila we ordered came with lime and a ‘salt’. Trey thought the salt was a nut.
I notice they look like a bug.
We asked our waitress.
They were, in fact crickets.
So I was clearly cracking up at this point. Uncontrollably.
For like a full minute. Just pointing and laughing at my precious husband.
He had eaten about 7 crickets.
He kept eating them, so I try one. They are very tasty.
What?! Who even am I?!
Oh, and the tequila was pretty damn fantastic too. Never knew I could enjoy tequila.
We walked back to our AirBnB.
It was hot and sticky. Inside and out.
And it felt gross *on* our bed. Because you can’t sleep under covers when it’s hot as hell.
But that was ok. Because the next day, adventure awaited us.
The adventure of a new city waiting for us to explore it.
Filled with all.the.emotions.
And meeting the Fearless Girl.
And that is what we looked forward to.
And who would let a little thing like sleeping on top of the dingy sheets and sweating their butt off stop them from having all the joy?
Keep up with all the crazy antics of our New York City trip and your free guide on How to Kickass at Your Boudoir Session by filling out the form below!