Kimberly Aker Photography

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My Life's Passion

When I started middle school I was probably the tiniest person I had ever met. My legs were grossly thin. My knee (the bones) was the biggest part of my leg. I did not have an eating disorder though, I was naturally teeny tiny and so were my sisters. It affected me and my younger sister most, though. My parents were both naturally thin too, they had high metabolism's growing up (my dad still and their lack of estrogen...). Plus, my sister and I were on Aderrall for ADHD which suppresses appetite. But believe me, as soon as it was out of our systems we ATE!

Being that thin we were picked on QUITE a bit and no men ever looked at us twice. Ever. Now, I do not think a woman's thoughts on herself should stem from men's reactions. However, as a teenager it really does get to you. We were asked if we were anorexic all.the.time in middle school. It never really hurt our feelings because we had pretty high self-esteems but, it still hurt some. It also made us VERY angry. What if we were anorexic!? You don't just ASK someone that!!!!

Once in high school, things got much better, we just stopped caring, basically. Boys still didn't notice us until college. My Mom encouraged us that it was a good thing (and God, was it!) and the same thing happened with her. It was still hard at times because girls can be hateful, we didn't really have friends, and boys thought we were weird and not worth talking to. (We were totally weird and rock it now!)

Enough about us. Onto the main reason that Women's Photography is my passion. While in middle school and high school many women around me struggled with eating disorders and body image issues. It always drove me nuts because I didn't see what they did. They were beautiful and wonderful women with so much to give the world! All they saw were their flaws.

Getting even more personal, well over half the women I have known in my life have been sexually abused. Now, why does this have anything to do with my passion for Women's Photography? Well, because women who are sexually abused are destroyed by this abuse. They don't look at themselves the way the rest of us do. They view themselves as less. That is NEVER ok. Now, I want to clarify, I do not EVER empower women through hating men. Men are human the same as women. We are all humans and no human deserves to be bashed to uplift another. But, I do choose to love on women because, as a woman, I have known all to well what our minds can do to us.

I have a big ole loving heart and tend to take on the struggles of others very personally almost as if they were my struggles. Seeing these women struggle and hurt was hard for me and watching it destroy them (some of them never came out of this destruction) broke me a little. I just wanted to fix them and make them all better and that be the end of it. But I don't have that power. So, I would silently watch and be there in the best way I could. *I totally lost it while writing this paragraph so I apologize in advanced for typos*

This passion for loving women is also what caused me to join a ministry in Shreveport for women in the sex industry. It is called Purchased: Not For Sale and it is a HUGE part of my heart and life. Loving on women makes me happy and is my passion!

Now, I have a business where my main goal is to tell women you are enough! You do matter and no one can take that from you! Women need a reminder every so often that they are special and sexy and loved! And that is exactly what I show them in each session! 

No woman should ever have to feel ashamed and not good enough when having their portraits taken, trying on clothes, walking around town, or while taking care of their families. They also should never have to face cruel criticism from the world. We are ALL humans like I said earlier. Let's love each other because hate never breeds anything good.

Tell me in the comments about a time you overcame a struggle with your body and loved your body even just a tad more!

This is me (White hoodie. Notice my knees as the biggest part of my legs), Leslie, and my little sister (Yellow hoodie. Also notice the knees.) in New York enjoying life even in shorts (we seriously hated our legs and we never thought we looked like we did in pictures.).