Kimberly Aker Photography

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How Confidence Changes Your Life | Shreveport Boudoir

What is it about confidence that makes a woman and man so damn irresistible?!

I think it's many things: you're body language is more open, you smile more, you aren't afraid to talk, your eyes are more welcoming, etc. Confidence is the best thing you can put on. With confidence in yourself you can own everything you do in your life! And, that is why I have made it my business, literally, to help women learn to love themselves.

Cassie wrote me explaining her desire and daily struggle to love herself. Her writing showed how desperately she wanted to love herself every moment, not just some. It wreaked of a woman that knew her worth but hasn't yet gripped how to truly believe that. Knowledge and belief are very different things. I know, in my head, that not everyone is out to get me when the sun is no longer up. Yet, every night I am home alone I stay away from windows and jump at every little noise. I am, legit, afraid of the dark. Ha!

I was beyond thrilled to have the opportunity to give Cassie a day just for herself. She had her hair and makeup done and got to be pampered! And, Hannah did an incredible job with her makeup, helping bring out all the natural beauty Cassie has. She told me she is never in front of the camera due to disliking her body. She is always the one taking the pictures of her family. But, the day we made this art she didn't show any lack of confidence. Sure, she was shy at first and nervous, everyone is! But, then she started being CONFIDENT and having fun. So much fun. And it really brought out her flawless beauty. She worked that camera and owned her session with Magnolia Grace Photography.!

I hope to see more of Cassie in front of the camera, because I think we can all agree that she has every reason and right to be in the picture with her family!!! They will want that!

It was amazing to get to show Cassie how much fun you can have in front of the camera and how incredible of a woman she is!

Cassie chose to stay unretouched for her portraits.

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